Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Fake empire

Just a little inspiration interim post to prove that I haven't disappeared, just been incredibly busy (shock horror!) recently. 
Genuinely starting to enjoy the subject now which is a plus for me, despite the sheer quantity of cases I have to print off and ink I've had to use.
Buying things for yourself is also liberating whilst at the same time terrifying, as I am often left to my own devices when it comes to money management. As my student loan doesn't stretch all that far, I am being (reasonably) sensible but being able to buy alcohol and fruit salads and soups with names you can barely pronounce, without anyone questioning you, is somewhat tempting. 

I am also going to see The National next week as my generous boyfriend was in need of someone to accompany him, though am at a loss as to what to wear.. I imagine Primark may provide me with an answer..




  1. These are exactly the things on my inspiration board. And my cautious spending has made it hard to attain these things :(


  2. Love these inspirational photos! Those black boots are amazing!

  3. Selena is on the first photo am I right?


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