Tuesday, 30 April 2013

you know I love the past 'cause I hate suspense

jacket - Zara
top and jeans - Primark
necklace - H&M
wedges - Dorothy Perkins

Mr Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long?
Anyway, it's nice you've finally made an appearance despite making my daily wardrobe struggles even more tricky to figure out. I haven't really worn this necklace since prom and thought it might brighten up an otherwise simple outfit. I really am living in simple block colours at the moment, some vague attempt at being ~minimalist~ if anyone asks. Though my wardrobe is far from capsule (see blog title for more details).

Exams are unfortunately looming and as I flick through seemingly-endless-poorly-scribbled-notes, I can't help but start making summer plans (which makes for terribly ineffective revision).I just can't wait to escape!

^ definitely recommend this for getting into the summer spirit! 

lovely clothing inspiration courtesy of tumblr & weheartit



  1. you look gorgeous!


  2. I love what you are wearing! Especially those dorothy perkin wedges :)

    x Gi

  3. Thank you for the kind comment on my blog
    You look good on the minimal look I live the necklace
    Might have to pick up that cocktail mix for the bbq I'm at this weekend x

  4. You look so great, I love your jacket!
    You inspiration photos are lovely, especially those adorable cat flats!
    I have a giveaway with Firmoo on my blog right now, if you'd like to enter! :)

  5. Love the necklace you have on - I'm obsessed with neons at the moment!
    Also nice drink pun - summer 'spirit' haha! I love mojitos so I definitely will try that next time I do the groceries!

    Yinyin xx


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