Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Don't wanna be your girl

shirt - Zara
jeans - H&M
shoes - Dorothy Perkins
hat - Missguided
sunglasses - ebay

Life is currently consisting of meandering through life, soaking up sunny weather and wearing sunny-ish appropriate clothing.

Also took a brief excursion to London and I can safely say salted caramel macarons are potentially among the top three things I've ever eaten. That was strangely the only thing I purchased (shock horror) as the rest of the day was spent being a tourist.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as I am :)

P.S. it's also your last chance to enter the Pizza Slut giveaway if you fancy!
a Rafflecopter giveaway




  1. You very chic! Love the jeans and the wedges!
    Rebecca | Blog

  2. Oooh your legs look so lovely and long with this skinny jeans/wedge combo :) Love the simplicity of this look x

  3. This is such a simple but stylish outfit! :-) London looks stunning... with every photo I see, I'm one step closer to just spontaneously buying a plane ticket and going on an impromptu trip, hehe. I had no idea there was a Laduree in London either! My life was changed when I tried my first Laduree macaron in NYC... it was heaven at first bite. I can safely say the pistachio one is my absolute favorite. And I certainly wouldn't mind forking money over for their pretty boxes... too bad I'm on a college budget!

    Runaway In LA

  4. I love your style! I'd also love to connect with you :) I'm always looking to get to know other bloggers


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