Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Forget it

top, skirt & shoes - Primark
hat - Missguided
bag - vintage

*sighs* Complicated seems to be the theme of things at the moment. The title to this weeks episode of my hypothetical sit com would most definitely be 'complicated'. Underlined and without a catchy theme song, nor humorous title sequence. 
Much like the heroine of any sit com however, I will continue ignoring such feelings and fill my days with cocktails and online shopping until they are dulled into insignificance. 

100% effectiveness guaranteed right?



  1. You look so beautiful and stylish <3 Love your skirt!

  2. Gorgeous outfit - Primark does do well! Cocktails and online shopping can only be a good thing... x

    Everything But The Kitchen Sink

  3. that red skirt is totally cute and I really like how you have styled it.
    you're really really pretty!


  4. Lovely skirt! Online shopping should be the cure for anything!

  5. You'll be the most gorgeous, stylish, flawless sitcom that ever lived. Truth! Looking so cuttingly on-point and en Vogue as always with such a classy, pulled together look. LOVE the skirt! Had to double take when I read it was Primark, such a blissful colour, love the orange pop. Gorgeous through and through!

    Cocktails are always the cure, as is the case with online shopping ;) Although hope all is okay with you beaut babe. If you ever need a friend you can forever drop me an email at s_sierra@live.co.uk <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo


I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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