Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Can you see the ocean now?

top - Dressin
sunglasses - Dressin
trousers - Primark
boots - ebay
necklace - ebay
waistcoat - ebay

Although missing the slightly sunnier skies, I am glad to have clicked my heels three times and returned home. This outfit represents the basis for the majority of my holiday ensembles - minimal pieces that I could use in multiple combinations.
Aside from when I was in Disney of course i.e. cue light up shoes and Mickey Mouse featuring heavily.
Do excuse the rather photo heavy post, hope you are enjoying your summer! <3




  1. Aww such gorgeous photos Georgia! Looking like such a badass babe, so vampy and gorgeously on-point. Those shades are perf and the grid print looks so slick on you! Overly in love with your waterfall waistcoat and your sleek hair is total #hairgoals. Girl crush out in full force as always ;)

    Paris looks epic! So many pretty, pretty, PRETTY pics. Very happy you rocked the light up shoes at Disneyland Paris, if they hadn't seen futuristic style before they certainly have now ;) In love with all the dazzling blue lakes, skies and glistening waters and all the gorgeous green views. All looks so blissful! I so hope you had the holiday of your dreams, filled with lots of cocktails and all the chill time you needed. Know you work so very hard, especially these last few months and I honestly can't think of a beaut babe that deserves a stylish break more than you. Much love to you as always sweet! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  2. It is really great blog!

  3. In LOVE with your pants and such pretty photos! I love going minimal on vacations, too!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  4. Your outfit looks amazing and so do the photos! Which camera are you using? Not to mention that you were trying to capture which is just one of the most beautiful cities on this planet, you lucky girl! :) And you went to Disney!! I Love Disney so much! xxx


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