Monday, 25 January 2016

The less I know the better

blazer - H&M
crop - Primark
trousers - vintage
heels - Allsaints
necklace - Front Row Shop

Exams and assessments done for the semester. Naturally, I headed straight to Liverpool one having barely put down my pen - a haul of the things I picked up will feature in due course.
For the time being drinks and catching up on several series is on the agenda - in perhaps the most boardroom appropriate going out ensemble I have put together. Despite appearances, I am not actually moonlighting at a corporate recruitment agency..

What do you like to wear on an evening out?



  1. This is a cool outfit! This would be a really cute outfit to wear to getting drinks! I love wearing skinny pants and blazers as well! I feel like they pair so well together!

    Shannon Sage

  2. Huge congrats on being done for the semester! Your outfit's great, I love how you styled it with a cropped top underneath to keep it lookin modern! Katie xx

  3. Could this be any chicer, you look beautiful ♥

  4. Gorgeous look. Very chic and stylish.

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  5. Suits you really well and I really like it, just wish I could pull it off! :) I like jumpsuits and playsuits!

    Meme x

  6. Damn, so smoking HAWT gorgeous Georgia! Sizzling down the blogosphere in fleek flames (Bad blood what? Taylor Swift who?) I love the fierce, sleek put together look of the blazer and shoes and trews and ADORE how on-point and babin' the crop looks against the whole stunning ensemble. Only you could smash 2016 in the style stakes before the first month is even ova ;)

    Sophie | soinspo xo


I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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