Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Oh my Gamiss!

Wait, hold up. Is that me in clothes that actually look *gasps* summery? I know, right - I'm shocked too. But these pieces I was so kindly gifted by Gamiss were too perfect to resist.

This skirt was something usually out of my comfort zone, but that raw hem was enough to sway me. It makes me feel like a cool instagram girl who has her life perfectly put together. Does anyone else have those transformative items in their wardrobe? Giving them the power to feel like a better version of themself? Maybe it's a shame that I have to rely on clothes to help me feel like this, but until I'm able to do so independently, I'm happy to hide behind a nice denim skirt.

Seriously, how beautiful are the colours on this playsuit? Florals are not usually my cup of tea, but the muted soft tones swirled within the flowery pattern are so subtly summery, even a closet goth like myself couldn't help falling in love. The material is soft and light, ideal for an evening out or (ideally) weekend away somewhere warm. Pass me another pina colada.

I feel ready to walk along the French Riviera in this floaty number, sipping something sweet beneath an oversized hat. Easy to dress down with shredded jeans and choker and then dress up with a pair of heels in the evening. Crisp and white and so pleasingly opaque, I feel more ready for a holiday than ever.

What's your holiday staple?



  1. Looking gorgeous as ever! :) I love the first outfit here - I feel you with skirts being out of my comfort zone too but this suits you SO much!
    My holiday staple is a jumpsuit. Comfy and can be dressed up or down :)

    Alice | Whiskey Jars Blog

  2. i love the outfits here! i especially love the playsuit, its really cool

  3. I totally know what you mean about transformative pieces in my closet. Currently working on getting more! ;) I love the floral playsuit too! I'm really into both florals and rompers/playsuits/any one piece items right now haha. Plus, it's perfect for summer!

    Sam |

  4. You have amazing style, and so jealous how long your legs are! My torso got all the length, so my legs are short little stubs, haha :( You look perfect in that dress and off the shoulder top. Despite it being incredibly hot here in the summer, I have been wearing black tights and flowy blouses rather than shorts.

    Just started following you :) Super excited to see more of your outfits.

  5. Love all the outfits and you are right the playsuit does have the same print! Love it. Gemma x

  6. The print on that playsuit is just gorgeous! I love the colors, and it's such a unique take on floral.

    Stephanie ● Sartorial Diner

  7. All your outfits are so beautiful! I have also problems with wearing 'summery' clothes, haha. I've never heard of that site before, I'll check it out, I really need that blouse <3

    Cy | Dulce de Mango

  8. Great post!
    I would really love for you to check out my latest reviewpost featuring Striped Dress
    Keep in touch~
    Kaiyo Aino Blog

  9. Beautiful Outfits! xoxo

  10. I'm totally in love with the first and the third outfits! The denim skirt is original and the white on-the-shoulders top is so cute! x

    Valerie |

  11. Guuuurl you look absolutely smashing in all three outfits! Especially the first look is such a winner - love that denim skirt on you! I'll make sure to go and have a look on their webshop!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  12. Looking show-stoppingly stunning like the gorgeous dream you are majestic Georgia! I love how you've carved out such a heavenly look-book, creating so many different badass street-styles and slaying them for all to see ;)

    Off the shoulder vibes are the most magical kind, and you're the epitome of magical in this beaut! Loving your stunning jeans and fierce badass boots, totally topping off the trend perfectly. Not to mention all the fierce, floral sassiness that playsuit brings to the fore, in total LOVE! And you are most deff that cool Insta girl, I've never seen anyone as blissful or as babin' to grace the gram as you my gorge. Passing you all the Piña coladas as we speak <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo


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