Sunday, 9 July 2017

Would you try dry shampoo AND conditioner?

I don't really know what I did before dry shampoo.

I seem to remember trying to use baby powder, as well as various other household items to add some life to my third-day hair.
When Batiste first entered my life it seemed too good to be true - something which saves time, energy and a bad hair day sounded like a dream. Not something you could buy from Superdrug.

However, Batiste was quick to become been a bottom of the bag, night out, morning after saviour; a frequent last minute purchase before the nearest Boots closes. 

So when I got to test out their newest release - a dry shampoo and conditioner - I was all over it.

So what's it designed to do?

- Provide 18-hour conditioning, ideal for dry and damaged hair
- Target excess oil, without leaving a white residue
- Hydrate hair and give smoothness

How do you use it?

Much like dry shampoo, you give the can a little shake and spray it all over the lengths of your hair, before shaking it out.
However, with the conditioning aspect, you're instructed to avoid the roots.

I've added a poorly edited video to illustrate this.

So what did I think?

First of all the scent. 
The one I tried was cocoa and cashmere, which smells divine and seems a little more grownup than the usual Batiste scents (I need all the help I can get).

One of the key marketed benefits of 2 in 1 is the lack of residue. Whilst my blonde counterparts had little problem with the original dry shampoo, it would leave me looking like Morticia Adams before brushing out (I'm a closet goth, so not an issue). True to word, this leaves no residue in my hair, nor any indication of what I'll look like in a couple of decades time. 

Texture wise, my hair does feel a lot softer and smoother, as well as giving it a little boost. I spent yesterday on a TV set with my hair covered in hair spray and this seemed to hydrate my hair to a satisfying degree. 

One thing I would say is that it doesn't give me the same amount of volume I'd get from original dry shampoo - although that's not what it's designed for, I think I just associate Batiste with volume.

However, if it's smooth and hydrated hair you're after, I would definitely give this a whirl.



  1. This sounds really good, I like the idea of the added moisture, although I also use the original to get some volume so I'm not sure if I'd switch over fully :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

  2. I'll definitely think of giving this a go because my roots tend to get greasy, but dry shampoo sometimes makes all my hair look a bit crunchy x

    Velvet Blush

  3. I haven't tried dry shampoo before but, I've read great reviews. Definitely time to try this. Thanks for sharing beautiful.

  4. Hahah I did the same with the baby powder in high school. I think dry shampoo has improved a lot since then but I still haven't found one I like. I've tried Batiste before, and I think they work very well, but I don't like any of the scents I've tried or seen. I've like to try more higher end ones to see the difference!


  5. A massive hell yes for Batiste, they really are total lifesavers! I used to reach for their dry shampoo all the time and I love the fact they've got the best of both worlds with a shampoo and conditioner this time round. Not to mention the tropically gorgeous packaging, always a win win ;) Cocoa and cashmere sounds like the dreamiest scent, perfect for bringing some exotic vibes to our long lost summer season. I'm so glad it was hydrating and worthwhile beaut babe <3

    So lovely to see your beautiful babin' self in video form too gorgeous Georgia, you did a stunning job, it was so calming and uplifting to watch! I'm going to keep campaigning until I see your gorgeous self grace the cover of Vogue. So exciting you were on a TV set, go GIRL! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo


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