Tuesday 27 April 2021

Why Pinterest is the best, imho


Hi, hello. How’s it going? I know it’s been a while.

Is it just me or has time seemed to have simultaneously slowed down and sped up? It’s May next week (!!) and yet I’m still very firmly in *new year, new start* mode. At least being five months brings with it a welcome change in weather. And beer gardens. What’s not to like?

Anyway, courtesy of the many hours I’ve spent unproductively on my phone, I’ve had a lot of time to look at (brace yourselves lads) clothes. It began with Instagram, but, due to it being a place which often leaves me feeling worse about myself than before, I’ve made the move over to somewhere much more peaceful. Pinterest.

I’ll be completely honest, until about a month or so ago, I never really *got* Pinterest. Scrolling through pictures and saving them to virtual boards? I always thought it was somewhere for DIY-ers and wedding planners, but now a few hundred pins later, I am hooked. The easy browsing, the 21st June outfit planning, the media without the social and the joy of looking at things purely to look at them. And categorise them so I can look at them some more. Pure bliss. I think the fact it brings back the childhood nostalgia of my Tumblr days may have something to do with it too. 

So why is it that I’m telling you all about my newfound love for Pinterest? Is this an ad? (If only.) To be honest, it’s really just a reminder that the internet isn’t always a horrible place. It can actually, sometimes, be somewhere to pause and be unproductive. And not feel guilty for it. 

It’s actually really helped me get back into a creative mindset and take pointless selfies for no other reason than, it’s 5pm on a Sunday and the golden hour light is *chef’s kiss*. 

I hope you’re doing well, and keeping safe. Happy Tuesday’s my loves.  




  1. The only time I really used it was for wedding planning, but I know I'm missing out on so much more! :)



  2. I love scrolling through Pinterest! Also loving your gorgeous photos!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  3. I like pinterest as well. I made one I think one year ago. It's so nice cause there you can literally find endless inspiration.


  4. I love pinterest too! It always makes me feel inspired and I feel like there's always something fresh there - not the same old stuff.

  5. Haha I know what you mean. I did not get Pinterest at first either but it can be super helpful and the pinning and creating boards can be fun. LOVE these photos BTW.

    Allie of

  6. I love pinterest, it inspires
    me so much!!
    Really nice photos dear :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz


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