Thursday 30 August 2018

Practice what you preach

OK so I wrote a whole post on the above subject. Long and rambling with overcomplicated words, semantic anomalies and metaphors that even I couldn't even keep track of - what else is new?

Turning genuine aspects of my personality into dissertation style essays might seem simply inkeeping with the style of this blog, but upon closer inspection, it is simply a way of detaching myself. Rather than grappling with the issue head on, I'll tend to distance myself from it - whether it be in real life or on the webpage which you're currently scrolling through.

Anyway - my desperation to overlook troubling elements of my subconscious aside - the point of this post really boils down to my inability to follow my own advice.

As someone who is reasonably down-to-earth, it seems odd that whilst I'm able to give fairly coherent and sensible words of wisdom to others, I'm categorically unable to follow said advice myself. 

Of course, I realise this is something that most of us will struggle with at one time or another. The advice we give to others will more than often be from a neutral or objective standpoint, meaning that we're able to offer a fresher perspective. However, as key stakeholders in our own lives, taking on board that same wisdom in the very same way can be incredibly challenging, largely because we don't have the luxury of neutrality. We spend hours overthinking our options, whether they be mundane or lifechanging , and once we get inside our own heads the doubt which falls on the so-called 'rational' choice can become overwhelming. 

That leaves us in somewhat of a dilemma where decision making is concerned. How can we ever really practice what we preach when our (read:my) own self-doubt tells us otherwise?

As a chronic overthinker, sometimes the best thing to do is to take a step back altogether. Realise the difficulties in listening to one's own advice and seek someone else's. They'll often surprise you by raising a point you hadn't even considered, or radically change your perspective just by phrasing something a little differently. Tiny nuggets of wisdom from those around you can help to build a much clearer picture of the whole situation - especially when compared to the chaotic image in one's own mind. 

Of course, as friends will tell you, the decision is ultimately in your own hands. Guidance and advice can be shared, but the finality of the choice usually lies with the one who is making it, and I for one think that freedom is certainly something to be savoured (even if it is v.scary when thought about for too long).

Can you follow your own advice?


(photos by the wonderfully talented Sam Fisher)



  1. First of all your look so pretty in this lovely dress and these shots are awesome.
    To answer your question, no sometimes I don't follow my own advice. Ha!!

  2. You are looking so pretty in this dress Georgia. The point which you raised in this blog, yes I follow my own advice. Even I didn't advice anyone till then I act upon it myself first. Womens Wide Leg Pants

  3. Beautiful pictures and post!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  4. Such a beautiful dress on you, you are stunning in red and you captured such beautiful photos! :)

    I find it's tricky to take our own advice sometimes - always easier to get a more impartial outsiders view of a situation, and that's why I like talking things over before making decisions :)

    I hope that you are having a great weekend :) We are celebrating Father's Day today which will be fun :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  5. I love your style be it in writing and in fashion Do what you feel comfortable with xoxo Cris

  6. I can totally relate to this post. I think I give reasonable advice to people when they ask me to, but lo and behold, when it comes to my own life, I seem to lose sense and do the most unreasonable things. Like, I tell people...."Don't let others' opinion dictate your life.", and I find myself being influenced by what others say. Sigh. You're right though. The freedom of choice is surely liberating, and making our mistakes sometimes is the only way to learn.:)
    PS Love your red dress:)

  7. It's always easier said then done. When people seek advice, it's always so clear (sometimes) which direction they need to follow. And it always baffles me when they linger or don't follow through on my advice. And yet when it comes to myself, I find I'll continuously procrastinate or follow the same ridiculous patterns!

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  8. Totally relate hunny, such a thought-provoking post. You look absolutely gorgeous in red too hun xx

  9. Sometimes it can be so both empowering and terrifying that our decisions really are in our OWN hands! This was such an interesting post to read through babe and I adore the photography in this post - very moody and atmospheric; you make a brilliant model :) x

  10. I feel you on this, it's always easier said than done. I give my friends a lot of advice and catch myself doing the complete opposite. It's a challenge. Your top is gorgeous.

    Juliana | Ohhjuliana

  11. Ahhhh I love a photo diary! And you've captured Paris beautifully! I went a few years ago but would love to visit again. Such a gorgeous city.

    Musings & More


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