Saturday, 11 April 2020

Looking on the bright side

top - H&M
blazer - Topshop
trousers - vintage
shoes - ebay

These photos are a serious throwback to simpler times back in London. Meanwhile, Happy Saturday. I feel like I've finally moved past the 'this is really weird' stage to the 'this is really weird but I've sort of accepted it's the best thing to do' stage. And this week I've actually felt fairly OK.

As well as working from home - which I'm so thankful to be able to do - I've taken the time to sort out a whole load of my stuff, make excessive amounts of pancakes, and try out some post-lockdown outfits. I've done my best to actually respond to my texts and Facebook messages (I'm a serially slow responder), drunk a fair amount of wine and binged a hell of a lot of Netflix.

I've also really tried to make a conscious effort to reconsider the kind of content I'm consuming. What with my screen time having increased tenfold, it's very easy to go down an Instagram rabbit hole, and come out two hours later, convinced you're not thin, tanned, or Victoria's Secret runway show ready, enough.  It's one thing trying to convince your best friend that she shouldn't have to change for anyone, but it's a WHOLE other thing trying to convince yourself.  

I thought I'd share some of the creators I've been watching recently, because along with Tiger King, I think some positive content is something that we're all fairly in need of right now.

What have you been watching during lockdown?
Sending good vibes to all, stay safe. 

 Photos by @ed2too



  1. Totally love this look. Super chic

  2. These are gorgeous shots! I'm a key worker so I've still been working, but taking weekends super slow and trying to get a mixture of being productive and just giving myself some time to chill out!
    Amy xx

  3. What a beautiful photos! Love the look! :)
    I've been watching movies on Nextflix (still have on queue a few series) and also Youtube. haha I do love Sierra and RawBeautyKristi some of my faves. But lately I've been binge-watching any interior-decor-moving type of video, haha! Love those!

    XO, Melissa

  4. I'm with you. As weird as life feels right now - it almost feels..."normal"? It feels strange to even type that sentence! :) Love this look and hope you're enjoying your Saturday xo


  5. Yep, I think I have entered this stage too. This is good I guess as it doesn't sound like we can go back to "normal life" anytime soon. I have been going back to old shows, to be honest, and it feels good to rediscover old favourites!

  6. Indeed as time goes by, I too discover the perks of our new reality and I dare say that I enjoy many of them. I even started working out everyday opposed to 3 times a week I used to do.
    Take care
    Kate |

  7. I totally agree that accepting lockdown comes in stages and it's important to not let yourself get sucked into the negative thoughts that can come with social media. Thanks for the recommendations! x


  8. It's definitely a stunning throwback outfit!


  9. Such a great casual outfit, I love the layered necklaces! :) I agree, it's important to watch what we consume on social media and online right now. I try not to read the news too much, just enough to keep informed and see what's happening with the kids and school and the new restrictions. It's a strange new world indeed! :)

    Hope that you had a lovely Easter :)

    Away From Blue

  10. Love all your outfits in these shots! Oh god it's sooo easy to fall down an Instagram rabbit hole, you've put that perfectly! Lotsa love, Hannah( xx

  11. This is such a lovely outfit! I adore the color and style of your pants!

  12. Are you watching these ladies on YT? I just posted a video on what I wore to NYFW if you are interested. And I totally binged Tiger King this weekend. Wow. All I can say is..."Only in America" LOL. I hear they are doing a scripted movie version too.

    Allie of

  13. The photos are super nice, i like the outfits :) And i know how you feel, i think atm i'm at the same stage as you, i've already accepted how weird all of this is! lol
    Hope you have a nice day :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  14. Love the look, pretty! Your necklaces <3

    Stay healthy! :)


  15. There is a 90s boss vibe to this outfit that I love- and I'm with you: taking on all sorts of house projects and clean-outs during this quarantine. No time like the present!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  16. Oh Georgia you absolute glittering superstar BABE you! ♥︎ Your flawlessly simmering style makes it a hell of a lot easier to look on the bright side right now - truly adore all the sunshine glimmering through your eternally gorgeous blog, now and always! Adore all the glorious energy this enchanting street sass of an outfit brings - from the fire jewels, to the sharp AF suit and gorgeous glasses - true divinity.

    I 100% get you; I definitely feel like I've accepted this stage as more the norm now, and there's almost a rainbow after the storm mentality that comes in doing so. Hell yes to all the pancake paradise and trying on sassy outfits :) So over the moon you're feeling fairly OK despite all of this. So very accurate about content consuming too, I'm really trying to limit twitter to the minimum as it's pretty much beyond toxic 24/7, or so it seems. Hope you had the happiest Easter possible and sending all the love and light to you sweetest girl! Stay you aka gorgeously fabulous! ♥︎

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  17. Oh boy, I can relate to being a serial slow-responder; something i'm also working on during this lockdown! This is a fabulous look; you wear the vintage trousers SO well.

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x

  18. Não sei quem é mais bonito,
    se você ou o blog. Adorei os
    dois. Vou segui-los, mas promete
    que segue o meu, promete?
    Então um beijo e bom domingo.


I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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