Saturday, 24 October 2015

out of the woods

Photos by Milan Kovac

These photos were part of a wonderful shoot I took part in earlier this year, but felt they were very apt to be posted now. That and the fact I have been ridiculously busy this week to take anything new, with magical news that I can hopefully share at some point next year :)

I really can't believe we are in October (!) already. The start of 2015 could literally have been last week and this year has been one I'd like to stick around for a little longer. 
Anyway, whilst the year may be in it's final chapter, Halloween still beckons which - being perhaps my favourite dress up opportunity - I shall of course have a post in store for.

What are you planning to dress up as?



  1. Beautiful pictures. You look stunning! Love that necklace you're wearing, do you mind sharing where it's from? Hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs from Sweden.

  2. Out of this absolute world! This is so transfixing Georgia and you look utterly, utterly stunning. All the wowz. Definitely has an aura of Twilight about it, deffo think Bella would be pushed aside and Edward would be looking at the one and only bae left in the woods; YOU ;) The dreamiest shoot ever, totally can see why you felt it apt to post these shots for fall. Am too excited about your magical news, sounds like it's something to be celebrated, you go gorgeous gurl, too, too proud of you <3

    Didn't dress up this Halloween, but I did watch Carrie and get quite (very) freaked out ;-) Hope you had the happiest Halloween, your costume makes you the serious and only winner in my Halloween LB contest eyes! Devastated HW is now all over :'(

    Sophie | soinspo xo


I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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