Saturday, 31 October 2015

It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus

I predict that tonight will be filled with excessive fake blood use, scaring young children and many a tequila (we're burnt to dust at) sunrise.
Happy Scaring Spooky people!


1 comment

  1. Oh my GOD! I felt my heart shatter tonight at the prospect of Halloween harrowing away, but now it's positively cracking outta its cage due to all your magical, mesmeric, ghostly auras, vibes and feels Georgia! Don't think I've seen any Halloween look as strikingly spooky or as epically impressive as yours! Scratch that, I certainly damn well ain't ;)

    Finding it hard to believe anyone can look as gorgeously ghostly as you, what an on fire fortune teller you are, with all the stars within your reach and all the shining destiny awaiting your wondrous world. And your galvanising gaze, dazzling dreamy MU and pretty pendants have gotta give you all the gold for nailing Hocus Pocus like no other model could! Seriously, seriously stunning! Happy Halloween you beautiful babe! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo


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