Wednesday, 11 November 2015

OASAP x November

With Christmas being just around the metaphorical corner, November is the month of wishlists. Wishlists for Santa and wishlists stemming from my excessively frivolous spending habits (all those in favour of cheaper cocktails know the struggle).
Here I have selected my recent favourites from Oasap, one of my trusty Aladdin's Cave destinations, where I am always bound to find a few gems, and gems I have found.

Praying this lace up trend lasts forever, I can retain the effortless-flowery-fields-perfume-advert vibes even if I have about six layers over the top.

Six layers of this cardigan preferably. Simple and in my favourite colour palette, what more excuse do I need? (Other than it looks ridiculously cosy.)

Another ode to a lost summer in this shirt, but perfect none the less. Can never have too many stripes, right?

I never knew my love for ponchos would be rekindled, but the flames are once again burning brightly. I am 100% in favour of the boho, Pocohontas look and I feel possessing this piece would allow me to achieve it. 100%.

Which piece would you pick?



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