Wednesday, 30 March 2016

You're like a brand new person

top - Primark
jacket & boots - ebay
jeans - Levi's
necklace - Topshop

Do your clothes ever go missing? You think you 100% know where that favoured printed t shirt is but after an hour long mid morning hunt and on the brink of sending out a search party, you realise you're going to have to resort to the (often non existent) back up plan. This tragic tale is an autobiographical one; the protagonist my beloved high waisted skinny jeans.
So whilst I waited for them to find their way back to my wardrobe, I decided to scour ebay for another pair that would fit in the alarmingly large gap they left in my dark denim filled life.
I have to say I am yet to look back.

For everyone celebrating Easter, I hope yours is going as wonderfully as mine is i.e. minimal work, excessive sugar and cocktails.




  1. Very stylish hunny, I used to own a lovely pair of high wasted jeans god knows where they went, they fitted to a tee.

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    Beneath the Surface by Heidi Perks Book Review

  2. I hate it when clothing goes missing! Your bomber jacket is very cool - I love it! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

  3. In love with the simplicity of this outfit! Those boots are gorgeous x

    Jenny | Krystel Couture + House of Fraser Giveaway

  4. I am in love with this entire outfit! I especially love your boots and your chunky belt:)

    ♥ Charms | à la Charms


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