Saturday, 4 June 2016

New Romantics

shirt - Lightinthebox
jeans - Levi's
boots - Lightinthebox
hat - Missguided

For my first purchase from Lightinthebox, my shopping cart was actually filled with some faux tattoos around October last year, with very little knowledge of the site's true extent.. Lightinthebox is very much an Aladdin's Cave. Filled with all sorts of gifts and treasures; i.e. the type of site that can keep me scrolling for hours. 
So when I was very kindly asked to give some pieces a whirl, I was very much excited to indulge in some extensive scrolling.

Firstly, the shirt. Although I do have several white shirts, they barely get to see the light of day. Constantly creased or far too sheer without several under layers which I can't find, I end up opting for my trusty white t shirt instead.This one however, may be my new best friend. Button up fastening to the middle, not sheer and such a staple piece, I did not know how my wardrobe functioned without it.

Pointy shoes. This is literally the sole (!) thing I look for when I'm browsing for footwear.
"What about these G?"
"Nope. Not pointy enough."
These however certainly past the test. Able to go with just about any outfit, they give me an extra inch of height and make a very important sounding noise when I'm walking down quiet corridors. Yet another key characteristic I desire when shoe shopping..

I was incredibly impressed with the quality of these pieces and would wholeheartedly recommend a browse of Lightinthebox to see what treasures you can uncover.

Would you wear this outfit?




  1. I've never heard of this site before but I really love the pieces you got! You can't go wrong with a classic white shirt and this one looks gorgeous on you! And I'm completely the same with shoes, the pointier the better and I love these boots. Great post! Katie xx

  2. Good white shirts are the bane of my existence -- it's so great that you found one that isn't too sheer for daily wear. Loving the entire look!


  3. Love the boots and nothing beats a white shirt!

  4. I used to scroll for hours for iPhone cases on Light In the Box hehe, so I know the site quite well! Love your comparison to Alladin's cave, and I must agree, so so true! Love these two amazing finds from their website, so versatile and beautiful! And I totally agree, pointy shoes are everything ♥ THank you for sharing lovely!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  5. I would definitely wear this outfit (although not as well as you!) Love the boots x

    Josie | Sick Chick Chic


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