Friday, 20 January 2017

Sammydress Mini Haul

TGIF. For real. I find it upsetting that I'm currently living for the weekend, but I guess it makes me appreciate my Saturdays and Sundays more. Fridays also provide me with an excuse to browse through a shopping site of choice until my heart's content,
The items from this little haul however, were very kindly sent to me from Sammydress; pretty pieces that are slotting into my wardrobe very nicely.

01. I know embroidered everything is everywhere, but I could not resist this little gem. It just gives that classic biker style something different and I am all for twists on classics (aperol in my prosecco - you know the drill.) The hummingbird design is so delicate - I wish I was quite so skilled with a needle and thread.

02. This marshmallow jacket is perfect to adding an extra element of colour or texture to a wintery look. It's super soft but still retains a structured fit,perfect for just throwing on when you need a sugary injection of pink.

03. These shoes have to be the real stars of the haul though. They came through my door on New Year's Eve so I was eager to wrestle open to box and stagger around Liverpool in them. I find this style of heel so much more comfortable, supportive and actually easy to wear for extended periods of dancing. A true new fave.

Which is your favourite piece?




  1. Wow, I’m just really happy that I fint your blog. Your style is perfect. Don’t stop posting ,
    because I’m coming back.

  2. Love that first jacket!

  3. I love both of the outfits, the biker jacket especially looks so cool! :) xx

    Velvet Blush


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