Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Rosegal (literally)

 So apparently it's February. How on earth we have got to the second month of 2017 is beyond me, especially with all that's going on in the world - I would comment further, but I feel politics may be outside the remit of this happy-go-lucky blog. 

Anyway, frostbitten days and existential matters mean I am in dire need of a little brightness. Something that adds a touch of colour to wardrobe. I've gone on relentlessly about how I've tried to step out of my bat cave of black clothing, and I'd like to think injecting a little orange or pink to an outfit provides that little lift which my morning mood so desperately needs. (That and the La la land soundtrack. Honestly.)

These little gems are both from Rosegal and I am most certainly smitten. Given the month, I feel that my new found love is rather apt.

Which is your favourite item (and do you have any valentine's plans)?




  1. Again, I admire your style so much. Its ok if you like to wear a lot of black-- it honestly suits you so well. Even so, I love both the outfits-- both the geometric inspired sweater, and that gorgeous rose/black dress thats dripping with just a touch of the macabre. As for my valentines plans? I plan to go on a date with all the handsome men in my favorite TV shows. We have a special relationship, they and I. ;)


  2. I love that dress! Both outfits are so cute <3
    I don't have any plans for Valentine's day anyway...


  3. The dress is so pretty.
    You have really a great blog, would you like to follow each other on bloglovin' or GFC? Follow me and I'll follow you back.

  4. Loving these outfits girl!! The colour block jumper looks so cosy and thick xx

    Jenny | Krystel Couture - Morphe 350 Palette & ILEX London Giveaway. x

  5. I love that dress, it's so pretty and you look gorgeous in it! I really like the turtleneck too, I can never resist anything royal blue :) xx



I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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