Monday, 13 February 2017

Summer Loving

Photos by Darrell K Morris

These photos mark a point in my life that I was very much in love with; university. It's funny how your heart can be taken up with places just as much as people.

However, as well as somehow managing to get a law degree during my time there I also managed, more importantly, to gain a best friend - my favourite person.

Alas I will not be spending February 14th with him, but I've never been really sure how I feel about valentine's day anyway.

Feelings don't need to be dressed up in sugary sweetness and accompanied by overpriced flowers to be meaningful, nor do they need to be expressed to anyone else. Feeling content with a glass of something cold or a mug of something hot, netflix and a long evening. Romance is not dead.

With that said, Valentine's day does bring with it one of my very favourite things; puns. In card form.
(See here or here.)

How will you be spending your February 14th?




  1. I never really celebrate VDay because I feel like people shouldn't be forced to show their love and affection on that one day through buying gifts. People should show it through their actions on a daily basis. Love your photos here! that hat is so gorgeous!

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

  2. YASSS GAL you look gorge! V-Day is a little silly but I also kind of love it for the silliness! My favourite thing is seeing all the clueless men wandering around the shops the day before or morning of haha x

    Sick Chick Chic

  3. love these photos so much!!

  4. The photos are amazing! I miss uni days too. I hope you had a great Valentine's day :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  5. This is such a simple but chic outfit! I love the effortless but put-together vibe. :) And I also spent Valentine's Day alone. I had work the next day anyway so no time to go on a date! And besides, my boyfriend and I have been together way too long to realize that Valentine's Day is just like any other day. And whenever we are together, it is always special. :)

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  6. You are all the summer soul I need right now gorgeous Georgia! Absolutely killing it with the blissful sunshine vibes. I'm crushing majorly on these stunning photos; they capture you and your essence so well. The perfect mix of laid back luxe with an edgy, free-spirited flight. Hell yes to you; the most babin' butterfly in the game! <3

    I'm so glad you have happy memories of university and I couldn't be prouder of you for graduating with a law degree (you GO GIRL - times a trillion). You worked so hard and deserve all the success and stars you're soaring into. I hope you had a lovely February 14th, I agree with you 100% with your thoughts. My boyf and I spent Valentine's at Leeds Castle which is one of our favourite places and it was nice as it wasn't too crowded. I think there should be alternate days to show affection - summer solstice for instance? ;) Absolutely loving your cute cards, all the pun-worthy! :)

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  7. Gorgeous pictures. Such a simple outfit but you make it look so amazing! I spent Valentine's Day with two of my best friends as my boyfriend was in Portugal on a boys trip watching football! :) xx

  8. Such a beautiful outfit! I love all the clean cut lines and classic pieces! It makes you look so sophisticated, in a very urban way. I think I spent my valentines day doing homework. I'm not sure. I went on a blind date a few days later though-- it was terrible. We spent the entire date discussing local politics. Yawn.

  9. Such a great style. Love the simplicity of it.
    You have a great blog, would you like to follow each other on bloglovin' or GFC? Follow me and I'll follow you back.

  10. Wow!
    Like very much your post!
    welcome to my blog!

  11. I agree with you, Valentine's can be a little overdone at times can't it. You look stunning, I loved uni too :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

  12. I am in love with the pictures!! Keep going!! Tell your photographer he/she is great!


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