Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Bad Habit

shirt - Dresslily
jeans - Zara
boots - Gamiss

If ever there was a week of ups and downs, it was certainly the last one. The events in Manchester truly sent shockwaves through everything and it seemed to hang over the following few days. Whilst all of these atrocities highlight the horror in the world, they also prove as a reminder of how much love there really is. Rather than letting any of these events tear us apart, they surely provide the perfect opportunity to recognise that we have far more similarities than differences.

That very sentiment seemed to be felt by just about everyone at the weekend, which I was lucky enough to spend at Liverpool's sound city. Despite the less than brilliant weather, I listened to some of the best music (the Kooks!!) and drank some lovely wine with one of my favourite people. Strange how the words spoken and lyrics sung seemed to mean that little more. 

I hope you enjoy the rest of your week <3




  1. Looking absolutely dream-like and fulfilling all my retro fantasies with a bang up to date twist of beautifulness gorge Georgia! I love the shirt, it's so sassy and I can imagine you totally shimmering the night away at Coachella or any other festival worth its salt. I'm so happy you spent the weekend in Liverpool, it sounds like such an uplifting place to be and a big hell yes for the Kooks! You can't beat time out with those special people that make cherished moments that bit more precious :)

    Stunning, meaningful words that really weigh up the heartbreaking events of Manchester perfectly. I agree 100%; it makes you wonder how the world can be so frightening and cruel yet there's a guiding light of hope through the darkness with more good people doing good than bad and standing together as a city and nation <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  2. I love the outfit, the choker goes so well with the shirt, Zara do the nicest things!! x

    S x

  3. Your outfits are always amazing! I love the velvet top, although I don't think I could pull it off as well as you. The patchwork on the jeans is a really nice effect too. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week too :) xx

    Velvet Blush

  4. What you say is so true. There are far more good people in the world!

    Looking lovely by the way, the jeans are fab x

    Sick Chick Chic

  5. I am in love with your pants! 😍 You look gorgeous too!

    yanrula x

  6. The world has been such a horrible place at the minute, I think most of us are feeling the effects one way or another.
    That aside, you look fantastic, your blouse is so unique and it really suits you.
    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

  7. The Manchester bombing really hit home!! It's so, so sad! Just devastating :( Hope your well and love your outfit, very sassy xx

    Jenny | www.krystelcouture.com X

  8. Hello can you write me Please i have a question greeting


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