Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Spring haul with VIPme

top & skirt - VIPme
shoes - Primark

shirt - VIPme
skirt - Missguided
boots - Gamiss

top - VIPme
jeans - Zaful

I could seriously get used to this four day week thing. Nice to be into the working week without actually working. 

Also nice to have parcels of nice things come through the letterbox, especially when they're from VIPme. After being asked to select a few pieces, I decided to add a little colour to my "Spring wardrobe" by picking things out of my usual comfort zone. That said, I did wear an all black ensemble today, ft leather jacket (sitting with my feet up in my comfort zone). 

Green jumper and skirt set - Desperately trying to veer out of my grey/black/white work wardrobe, I thought these shades might be a nice change. Forest green has always been a favoured shade for me, and the khaki skirt adds an almost safari edge to the set. Sadly I don't think I'll be off on any African adventures whilst sat at my desk.

Rust shirt - I absolutely adore the colour of this shirt. It goes so well with denims as well as my beloved leather skirts and trousers, the definition of a versatile piece. It's also ideal for going out but not out-out? Dinner or drinks with a necklace and heels: perfect.

Sleep all day t shirt - Could not resist this little gem. I am an avid wearer of slogan t's, and it's even better when they're so apt. The floral design was just the icing on the cake.

Which piece would you wear?




  1. Totally digging all of your three beautiful outfit choices! The first one is so beautiful and feminine, totally in love with your mini skirt / big sleeves combination in the second outfit, and the third look is just the perfect casual chic balance!
    XO Imke | Pastellics

  2. Gorgeous haul! I absolutely adore your style :D I am loving the jeans and the studded boots!


  3. Since I love a more simple style, I would wear the black top. I love how it goes with so many looks. You look so good in all the outfits!

  4. I love these outfit choices, you look great, I especially like the 'Sleep All Day' tee!

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

  5. love it love it LOVE IT!!!!! Especially that red top, my gosh you look AMAZING!!!! Thank you for working with this company, and showing off their clothes, because you look amazing in them, and they look amazing on YOU! Also, for once, a clothing company that a blogger is promoting actually intrigues me--maybe because the stuff you chose has a vintage-esque feel, and I am very into vintage.


  6. I love all three outfits! My fave piece would have to be that red top - it is so unique and striking! Hope you are having a nice weekend :)


  7. You selected some great pieces! I love the tee and that first outfit looks great :) xx

  8. I love these look!! I'm really digging the shirt in the second outfit, it's such a beautiful style and colour...I think I need it <3

    Stacey, thebambieyes.com

  9. I would wear all of them! They all look great on you! Love all your styles, can't wait for more!

    Cheers x
    <a href="http://yanrula.blogspot.com/“>Yanrula</a>


I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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