Tuesday, 14 July 2015

back to the future

top & trousers - Primark
shoes - Aliexpress
necklaces - ebay & ajewelsanctuary 
bag - Zara

This is one of my favourite 'I have nothing to go out in so let's throw something together at random' outfits. 
These grid print beauties are basically the first pair of actual trousers (aside from the rather unflattering school pair) I've owned and I have worn them to death. The quality has really surprised me as well as the fact they go with just about everything. Wanting to go back for a few more prints to extend my patterned legwear collection.

Now of course, yes, I must mention these shoes. I'd seen them on various instagram pages and was obviously desperate to get my hands on some. Why? Because like a moth to a sole-based-colour-changing-light, I found myself needing them for no rational reason. Yes, they do also change colour. (I also recently styled them in a lookbook, so to check that out, click here.)

Would you ever wear light up shoes?
P.S. Last chance to enter my Mystery Summer Giveaway so feel free to enter..



  1. I just love your pants !


  2. Love your trousers!! <3 x

  3. Ahh those shoes are so cool! I had a pair like that when I was a kid :) x

    Everything But The Kitchen Sink

  4. Such a pretty outfit, I especially love the trousers! x http://www.coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  5. Love those trousers, the grid print looks lovely!

    Millie x | Millies Wardrobe

  6. Amazing post dear!


  7. WOAH! Thought my eyes were deceiving me there, hate to swear but how bloody amazing are those light up beauties? Insanely outta this world! I'm always behind what's happening on IG so can't say I've seen them over on there, but I can say I can't imagine anyone rocking them as rad as you Georgia! <3

    They go so perfectly with your grid print trousers (stunners for sure), and I'd have never guessed for a moment your top or trousers consisted of anything other than Prada, not Primark. Truly gorgeous, through and through!

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  8. OMG thanks for the link to those shoes, they're incredible! Takes me back to childhood when my Mum refused to buy me those! They will be mine nowwww <3 You look incredible too, love those trousers! That grid is really cool. Also I participate to your give-away, because honestly, who can resist ;) Only the Google+ link didn't work for me... Anyway, good luck to all participants!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  9. These shoes are so amazing. Thanks for the giveaway too.

    Check out my latest post <3

  10. This outfit is amazing and you look just absolutely gorgeous! I love your blog! :)


I really appreciate your comments and will read and reply to every one <3

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